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In 2023, Citizen introduces the world's first clock with the function of automatic calculation of the lunar month of an analog type - the "Lunar Program"

Based on date information received by radio wave, the mechanism calculates the age of the Moon using its own calculation formula inside the mechanism. The part of the moon phase at the "6 o'clock" position automatically displays the age of the Moon. The model is also equipped with the "NS shift" month display switching function, which can display not only the shape of the Moon from the northern hemisphere, but also the shape of the Moon visible from the southern hemisphere

Citizen BY1001-66E Moon

¥148,500 Regular Price
¥133,650Sale Price
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    Размеры: ширина 41.5 мм, толщина 10.8 мм, между дужками 21 мм, длина браслета 126-192 мм
    Производство Япония для внутреннего рынка JDM 

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